Elementor #31920

Future Technologies & Methodologies

This talk will introduce viewers to Quarkus, a modern Java framework for writing Cloud Native applications. In this talk viewers will get to the see all the amazing developer experience features that Quarkus introduces while also getting a taste of the minimal footprint Quarkus has at runtime.

Principal Software Engineer at Redhat
Anemic Domain Model is the use of a software domain model where the domain objects contain little or no business logic. Domain-Driven Design is an approach to software development that centers the development on programming a domain model that has a rich understanding of the processes and rules of a domain. Let's compare & examine how those approaches applies to our daily work, with real-world example in Spring Boot in combination with Object Oriented principles.

George Charitakis
Senior IT Consultant / Software Engineer at PRODYNA SE
Micro frontends are a new pattern where web application UIs (front ends) are composed from semi-independent fragments that can be built by different teams using different technologies. Micro-frontend architectures resemble back-end architectures where back ends are composed from semi-independent microservices. In GWI we were courageous enough to build our new platform using microfrontends. In this presentation, we will take a closer look on the overall architecture, the pitfalls we fell into as well as the choices we made in various steps along the way.

Naim Gkamperlo
Associate Director of Engineering at GWI
This talk on event streaming is meant for anyone interested in learning about it, and understanding how it fits into the modern software development design and architecture, as well as seeing some of the challenges it faces especially in the Cloud Native environment. We’ll then take a look at an open source platform - Apache Pulsar, which is poised to become the de facto new generation of distributed messaging and streaming platform that will bring joy to developers, and enable systems and applications to be highly responsive with its true real-time capabilities.

Mary Grygleski
Streaming Developer Advocate, Java Champion, Chicago JUG President

Startups & Leadership mentoring

What is the role of an Engineering team?
To build scalable tech? Surely! To build quality tech? Surely! To build supercharged tech? Surely!
But we tend to forget that an Engineering team comprises of other functions, which when working together within a productive framework, achieve their primary goal: To build valuable products!
In this presentation, we will discuss which functions can be combined and in what way, in order to build great products that provide the ultimate meaning to an engineering team.

Spyros Lamprinidis
Chief Technology Officer at YourHero
FINTECH & FUTURE OF MONEY Woli: Creating and scaling a fintech startup that educates teenagers on money management. When someone turns 18, the world expects him to take full control of his life, and also his financial decisions that will shape his future. But although money management skills are largely taken for granted, they remain a huge gap in the education of youngsters - both at school and at home. In this session, we will see how a modern platform like Woli can narrow down that gap and the technical challenges around this mission.

Nikos Koukoutis
Tech Lead
Ensight is a Greek Start-Up that won an award at the MIT enterprise forum for the creation of an innovative power consumption prediction system. With the help of machine learning and gamification mechanics, the user is educated and awakens energetically, reducing consumption and therefore his bill, while helping the environment.

Michael P. Manis
Managing Director @ EnSight

Big Data & Cloud

How data and Social Media now affect everyday life? Do we realize that the form the culture of everyday life? What is the reflection in major cultural institutions? New career opportunities, and a new era for culture!

Assistant Professor & Founding Member UoP & O Sporos

Architecture & DevOps CI/CD

A walkthrough on some interesting design patterns for solving common problems and overcoming challenges when designing applications using Microservices.

Senior Engineering Manager at BEAT
Netflix is a global leader in video streaming and has always been known in the valley for its culture document, a seminal work in setting the context about culture. In this session, I will shed light on how Netflix thinks about DevOps, how our culture permeates our thought on Agile practices, DevOps, and development. It would be a great way to get a glimpse of how loosely coupled and highly aligned Netflix is, and participants can apply some parts of our culture to their organizations.

Tejas Chopra
Senior Software Engineer at Netflix
Treat your engineering team to think like DevOps

Dionysis Tsoumas
Head of DevOps at GWI
Developers should not build the app locally and then submitting it to the App Stores. This talk gives an introduction into Trapeze for streamlining Ionic build processes for iOS and Android which also can be used on CI/CD environments.

Aaron Czichon
Ionic Developer Expert | Solution Expert PlanB. GmbH
In this talk we’ll use a standard Serverless application which uses of API Gateway, Lambda and DynamoDB and explore how Amazon DevOps Guru recognizes operational issues like increased latency and error rates (timeouts, throttling and resource limits) and integrate DevOps Guru with PagerDuty for providing even better incident management. Amazon DevOps Guru analyzes data like application metrics, logs, events, and traces to establish baseline operational behavior and then uses ML to detect anomalies. The service uses pre-trained ML models that are able to identify spikes in application requests, so it knows when to alert and when not to.

Vadym Kazulkin
Head Of Development at ip.labs, AWS Community Builder ip.labs GmbH
Learn how to write an Azure Function in C# that connects to CosmosDB using RBAC, plus the supporting infrastructure (Azure Function, Azure Storage, CosmosDB, Azure KeyVault, App Insights and RBAC setup) written in bicep.

George Kosmidis
Microsoft MVP | Cloud Solutions Architect | .NET Software EngineerSecurity

Web Development

You can create a professional grade API using serverless technology without cost and complexity of server configuration maintenance and deployment. In this talk we will see how to use the Serverless framework with AWS Lambda and Node.js to create a fully functioning and testable API. Using these tools we will learn how to configure our runtime environment in a way that we can setup and deploy with a single command. Once deployed our code will only run when invoked which means it can scale well without paying hosting fees for unused resources.
At the end of this talk you will know what options are available to write and deploy a back end API that accepts requests, stores and searches data, and provides quick data access to our front end developers.

Derek Binkley
Engineering Lead at Localize
Unit tests are important. They prevent regressions as you refactor code, serve as documentation, and save you hours of time not spent doing tedious manual testing. In short, tests enable change. But how much attention to cleanliness do we give our tests? We refactor our app’s production code, give descriptive names to variables, extract methods for repeatable functionality, and make our code easy to reason about. But do we do the same for our tests? In this talk we’ll consider some best practices for keeping our test suites clean.

Tyler Hawkins
Senior Software Engineer at Adobe
As front-end developers, we strive to build fast and fluid web apps. But how can you find performance bottlenecks or memory leaks? How do you profile a web app? In this session, you will get to know how the browser works. Then, you will learn how to use that information to profile web apps and also detect JavaScript memory leaks.

Gil Fink
CEO and Senior Consultant at sparXys
There is no doubt about the benefits good coding practices bring, such as clean code, easy maintaining, and a fluent API. However, do best practices help with data integrity? This discussion came up, mainly, with new storage technologies, such as the NoSQL database, that do not have native validation that the developer usually faces when working to SQL schema. A good topic that covers clean code is whose objects expose behavior and hide data, which differs from structured programming. The goal of this presentation is to explain the benefits of using a rich model against the anemic model to get data integrity and bulletproof code.

Otavio Santana
Software Engineer, Architect, and Open Source Committer Zup Innovation & xgeeks
Micro Frontends are here to stay and today we have solid APIs to use them — even in enterprise architectures. Thanks to Webpack 5 and community projects, integration is easier than ever before. Module Federation offers clear and well-designed APIs to ship self-contained parts of an application suite as Micro Apps. Many features like runtime integration and shared dependencies are directly supported. This talk will provide answers on how to implement a mature Micro Frontend architecture with Angular and will show concrete implementations to put this into practice.

Michael Egger-Zikes
Angular & Web Development Expert at intauria powered by AngularArchitects.io

Programming Languages & Frameworks

Utilizing modern technologies/frameworks and the cloud to scale up Web Applications based on demand

George Matikas
Lead Software Engineer at Viva Wallet
Parsers are a piece of software whose purpose is to turn human-readable code (the source code) into a machine-readable representation (a tree-like structure). Python’s parser was replaced in Python 3.9 with a more powerful parser technology, called Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG).
In this talk, I will present how a big project like replacing a language’s parser works in an open-source context. In the duration of the talk, I will try to rebuild Python’s parser, explaining some of the challenges we faced and the design decisions we had to make when developing it for the first time.

Lysandros Nikolaou
Software Engineering Team Lead at Seafair - Python Core Developer
How much do you know about the computer that you are? The computer we call “our brain”? And do you sometimes struggle with learning the new programming languages or the features of a new Java version (let’s say Java 17)? Yes?! In that case, this talk is something for you!
In this talk we’ll look at learning a new language from a Linguistic and Neurological perspective, while at the same time looking at how we can apply this in the IT setting we work in. At the end of this talk you will know how your brain stores new information and how that information can be retrieved and used. Next to that you will be given some practical tips and tricks on how to improve your own learning curve and how to help others support others who are in the process of learning.
As a previous speech-and-language therapist I would like to give you a better understanding of how we learn languages and how this knowledge can help us in the never-ending changing world of software development!

Simone de Gijt
Java Software Developer via OpenValue Amsterdam


Security is a common challenge for everyone. Standard and robust patterns exist and are known in traditional infrastructure. However, the serverless change the game and imply a false feeling of losing control, especially in the security part. This session is focused on all the ways to secure the communication to and from serverless compute products on Google Cloud. The OAuth2 token generation and the difference of usage between access token and identity token, IAM service and the service/user accounts, VPC access and private networks access, load balancers, ingress and egress control will no longer have mysteries for you at the end of the session!

Guillaume Blaquiere
Group Data Architect at Carrefour, Google Developer Expert - Cloud
In this session you will dive into system-to-sytem authentication and the issues and challenges this brings in many organizations, both technical and non-technical. Then we will talk about Azure Managed Identity, what it is and how this can help you solve all those issues, reduce complexity and increase the ease of working.

Henry Been
Independent DevOps & Azure Architect | Microsoft MVP | Author
We think too often about 'secure code' being only about our code. Dependencies are the most common vehicle for attacks in enterprise systems, however it doesn't end there...there is so much more that we consume, and we usually just trust without questions! Let's take a look at how we can secure our software supply chain, and prevent what could easily turn into disaster.

Matteo Emili
Head of Software Engineering at Avanade UK and Ireland
Security in Jakarta EE has long been under used and under specified. The existing set of specifications ranged from overly complex to non-existent. The result was almost nobody used standards for security. Java EE 8 changed that with JSR 375, the Java EE Security API. Its evolution Jakarta Security facilitates portable application security that integrates with container security. Allowing an application to provide authentication mechanisms like OAuth or OpenID Connect and that mechanism is treated just like built-in container mechanisms like FORM. Existing security mechanisms like the container-based access to a URL defined by web.xml constraints, and things like @RolesAllowed and HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole automatically work as expected. It depends on CDI, and the lower level SPIs Jakarta Authentication and Jakarta Authorization. Jakarta Authorization defines an SPI for authorization modules, which are permission repositories for subject based security by checking if a subject has given permissions, and algorithms to transform security constraints for containers including Jakarta Servlets or Enterprise Beans into these permissions. Jakarta Authentication defines an SPI for authentication that interacts with a caller and a container’s environment to obtain the caller’s credentials, validate them and pass an authenticated identity (e.g. name, groups,...) to the container. This hands-on session is intended to get attendees up to speed with the current state of Jakarta Security specs, demonstrate Compatible Implementation like Eclipse Soteria, Eleos and Exousia as well as others including Glassfish or Tomcat. We will ask the audience for their opinion and thoughts what else they would like to see in the Jakarta EE Security specs with Jakarta EE 11 and beyond.

Werner Keil
Java, Jakarta EE und Microservice Experte im Gesundheitswesen KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse

QA & Testing

There are several initiatives to improve the quality (not only in the product but also in our development activities). I will share my journey, including several initiatives conducted with a holistic QA mindset, which ended up in a successfully built quality. Let's talk about what we can do to improve the efficiency and the quality of our projects which are to be performed in collaboration with QA, Development, and Product teams.

Mesut Durukal
QA Lead, Indeed.com
A short Introduction to unit testing and advanced unit testing (With examples in C# .NET using the xUnit & MOQ libraries, but applicable to other languages also). This short walkthrough will explain the true values of unit testing with a scenario taken from the real world when dealing with legacy code, solving the most common obstacles on the way such as tight coupling , service dependency and mixed concerns.

Chief Technology Officer at Trainme
The Testing Pyramid is outdated with modern Javascript Frameworks. Now you can build and deploy multiple types per day and our testing pipeline and practices have to evolve to meet the needs. In this talk, I will talk about other testing practices besides unit testing that can help you deliver clean and bug-free code.

Dan Neciu
Senior Frontend Software Engineer at Glovo
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