
Screening & Hiring

A complete section of recruiters, the Hiring Solutions team of, specializing in different specialties, is looking for the ideal candidate for the positions you want to fill.

Screening & Hiring

A complete section of recruiters, the Hiring Solutions team of, specializing in different specialties, is looking for the ideal candidate for the positions you want to fill.

Hiring Solutions

We undertake for you the whole process of selecting and evaluating the ideal candidate!

  • Job Posting
    Post an ad on your behalf
  • Search Resumes and Profiles
    Search for suitable candidates through all channels, networks and resume bases available at in Greece and abroad
  • Interview
    Conduct a "Structured" interview, with questions that have been agreed with you at the beginning of each project
  • Briefing
    Company and job information
  • Tests
    Conducting a Test of Technical Knowledge, General Skills and / or Personality, depending on the qualifications of the position (there is the possibility of utilizing your own assessment tools)
  • Sending final candidates
    Sending the 3 to 5 most suitable candidates to you, in order to proceed with your final selection

Screening Solutions

Save time & decrease costs when recruiting with our candidate pre-qualifying service.

Our specialized Recruiters, having received the appropriate directions from you,
evaluate the CVs sent to your ad.

Contact via phone

Define with us the necessary criteria for selecting the appropriate candidates.

Phone Interview

The person in charge of the project undertakes to implement the structured telephone / skype interviews.


After the completion of the evaluation and the telephone interviews, you will be given the 10-20 most suitable candidate profiles.


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