Talent Pool: 18/37 48.6 %

Required fields

Just email required: 6/18 33.3 %
1-3 required fields: 1/18 5.6 %
4-9 required fields: 9/18 50 %
10+ required fields: 2/18 11.1 %

Required steps

1-3 required steps: 14/18 77.8 %
4-9 required steps: 4/18 22.2 %


13 out of 18 responded with automated email


0 out of 18 followed up with personal email

In Conclusion

Regarding the B2B companies, we noticed that almost half of them (48.6%) have an active enabler for the candidate to enroll in their Talent Pool. In that way, he/she can stay in touch with the organization for future job opportunities. As for the application process in the company’s Talent Pool, the majority (77.8%) have a relatively short process of 1-3 steps, simplifying the experience of the candidate. At the same time, half of the B2B companies (50%) have the candidate complete an average of 4-9 fields before submitting his/her CV, while 6 out of 18 require just to send an email. Finally, we submitted an application to all these companies through our mystery candidate profiles and most of them (77.8%) answered back with an automated answer while no one replied with a personalized email.