Career site: 26/28 92.9 %
”Job Alert” button on their site: 4/28 14.3 %

Statistics about the 26 companies who own a career site

Career site tab on the corporate website homepage: 22/26 84.7 %
Bilingual career site: 12/26 46.2 %
Updated Job Openings: 22/26 84.6 %

In Conclusion

The majority of the B2C companies we researched have a career site. Access to their career sites can happen very easily as it is included on the homepage and most of them are constantly updating their open vacancies. It’s interesting to mention that almost half of the active career sites (46.2%) are bilingual, which can be a challenge for someone unfamiliar with the language in which it is displayed. Very important fact is that 85.7% of the B2C companies do not allow candidates to sign up in a position that interests them in order to be informed about a possible future opening. Finally, a career site with clear and easy navigation to the job opportunities, visuals that helps a prospective candidate understand the culture of your company and a “Job Alert” or “Join Talent Pool” option that offers engagement opportunities are mandatory elements of a contemporary career site.